Sunday, January 25, 2009

Know the facts, before committing to an idea

this article is still under construction.
There are no immediate plans to finish this material.

a saying: "Know The Facts, Before Committing to an Idea". And, the purpose of this Blog is to clerify misconceptions. Many people out-there regard themselves as "Leftist", because they have many experimental ideas. But, you need to realize a basic truth, behind it all. It's actually the so-called Conservatives who are less likely to tamper with your viewpoint.

OKAY, let's suppose I have a 16 year old son. I surely wouldn't want him to become involved with a girl. However, if that fact was inevietable, I would want him & his girlfriend to 'do it' within the safety of my home. (after all, we live an age of Big Government spies & security cams, etc. whatever else....) Okay, I must be a 'Leftist', right? Admittedly, conservatives would be unhappy with my remarks, but they WOULDN'T take action against me. HOWEVER, a so-called "Liberal" would have me arrested, then imprisoned. Or, if I knowingly allowed my son to view 'Playboy', THE STATE would remove all children from our custody.

Let's face the facts, so-called 'Liberals' are extremely agressive people. And this can only produce inevietable results. They are very controlling.

---Moreso, "The State" hires its own case-workers who always specialize in a narrow field. For example: anyone who's dealt with divorce (or whatever) quickly learns this fact. How can you possibly receive unbiased treatment, if the 'Social Worker' is geared toward a singular mentality?

Here's a more extreme example: I know of a teenager who was often tardy for school. And his parents faced Judges and Attorneys who only dealt with these specific cases. Do you realize, these people are always appointed by DEMOCRATS. It is they who create numerous invasive programs, not the conservatives.

Now, there's a similar point to be made: Just because you subsribe to SOME ideas proposed by a political group, that doesn't mean you should fully commit yourself to them. DID YOU KNOW, ADOLF HITLER used the same technique to seduce his people.

I support some ideas which might seem 'Liberal'. I believe, if two unmarried people live together, it offers a clear economical advantage. Sadly, most people in this situation consider themselves to be "Democrats:. They believe, just because "Leftists" promote this particular theme, We should blindly support everything else which they stand for. ISN"t THAT A CLEVER WAY TO TRICK THE PEOPLE. In other words: They first devise ideas which are popular amongst everyone (especially teenagers). And, as a result, you blindly join their entire group.

Isn't it true, every regime gains power by making wonderful promises to the people?

You know, I could turn this essay into a Blog which last for 50 pages, but you get the overall message.

"The Thugs" use clever techniques to attract popularity. But, in the end, IT IS THEY, who are a very repressive people. And although I'm not in full agreement with the "Righties", the Democrats will surely establish total control over our lives..... even if their ideas initially seem appealing.

and, by the way, it won't happen overnight. They will slowly take charge over your lives. I've come to call this technique "GRADUALISM". It's somewhat different than the techniques used by previous rulers. But nowadays, those "direct" methods would no longer be effective.. That's why the Activists gradually invade your lives, over the course of time.

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